Carina Torres

Singer and Songwriter, Carina Torres

Carina Torres is an independent singer-songwriter who grew up in Brazil, was a teen in Barcelona, and is now a young adult in London, making her mark.
In January 2021, she released her self-produced debut single “If I Knew You,” a uniquely touching song dedicated to her younger self.
In April, she released her heartbreaking single “The Way We Exist,” which was described by critics as a “silky gem” with “powerful and intense vocals” and “steeped in compelling emotional storytelling.”
Carina Torres tapped into a more R&B and Indie Pop inspired sound, in June 2021, with her new single “Nowhere.” This well-received single was mentioned as a “delightful reminder of why you want to keep your eye on her.” and open up the doors of live music stages in London.
Carina is about to release her fourth single, “Count on Me,” which has had a great response from the live audiences that have seen her perform the song live with her keyboard. She is also working on her first EP in the spring of 2022.

Carina Torres

London, United Kingdom

Carina Torres is an independent singer-songwriter who grew up in Brazil, was a teen in Barcelona, and is now a young adult in London, making her mark.
In January 2021, she released her self-produced debut single “If I Knew You,” a uniquely touching song dedicated to her younger self.
In April, she released her heartbreaking single “The Way We Exist,” which was described by critics as a “silky gem” with “powerful and intense vocals” and “steeped in compelling emotional storytelling.”
Carina Torres tapped into a more R&B and Indie Pop inspired sound, in June 2021, with her new single “Nowhere.” This well-received single was mentioned as a “delightful reminder of why you want to keep your eye on her.” and open up the doors of live music stages in London.
Carina is about to release her fourth single, “Count on Me,” which has had a great response from the live audiences that have seen her perform the song live with her keyboard. She is also working on her first EP in the spring of 2022.


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